Statistics show 85% of your success comes from your ability to communicate well!
In Episode 48, professional speaker, actress, and teacher Lori Klinka joins us to talk about how to communicate virtually. Over the last year, we have seen a big shift from face-to-face communication to a more virtual setting. While this has proven to be beneficial it has also caused some challenges. Lori provides us with tips and tricks to help us make the best of our new virtual communication environment. Learn how to set up your home office, prepare for a virtual interview, and even how to avoid Zoom fatigue!
- :55 – Meet Lori – professional speaker, actress & teacher
- 2:20 – Use humor – everyone needs to laugh
- 3:38 -Virtual is not going away. It’s here to stay.
- 4:04 – Tips and tricks for working from home
- 4:09 – Keep your computer screen about an arm’s length from you
- 4:51 – Have your camera on your computer at eye level
- 6:07 – Put bright duct tape above your camera so you remember to look at it when on a call
- 7:08 – Virtual job interviews
- 7:52 – Avoid Zoom fatigue – hide yourself and put your camera on speaker view
- 9:15 – Up your communication skills to advance in your career
- 10:21 – Things you can do to improve your professionalism on-line
- keep the background simple on calls
- keep people, animals, and clutter out of view
- 13:02 – Zoom is the new norm
- 14:24 – Show your personality with your surroundings
- 15:45 – Improve your communication skills – start with the big picture…think about what they need to know. Not about what you want to tell them.
- 16:21 – Dealing with a contract. – What’s in it for me?
- 16:45 – Think about your audience – What do you want them to think, feel and do?
- 15:53 – What? So what? Now What?
- 17:28 – Get your audience’s buy-in as to why they need to listen to you