“It’s all about taking personal responsibility for how we show up everyday in the world.”
Get ready for some laughs with this week’s guest Linda Larsen! Linda is an international award-winning keynote speaker, best-selling author and popular guest co-host on the Florida ABC television show, the Suncoast View. She is committed to helping people bring the best version of themselves to life everyday and delivers her messages in a unique way that is motivational, entertaining, and sure to leave you wanting more.
In today’s show, Matt & Courtney talk to Linda about the strength (and challenge) of controlling your emotions. “It’s all about taking personal responsibility for how we show up every day in the world”– and we have more control over this than we think.
Every day, all day, we are faced with situations that cause us to react in one way or another. How we choose to react is up to us, but as a society we tend to be wired with a “what’s wrong today” attitude. The question becomes “why do we do this?” Why do we have automatic knee jerk reactions that cause us to act this way?
If you want to change the way you think and act, it requires a personal intervention. Take an honest objective look at yourself. What are you doing that doesn’t really serve you well? If you have a habit, get clear on it. Don’t trick yourself anymore. Stop justifying it. Acknowledge that you do it and make a conscious effort to stop doing it right now.
Next find yourself a “feedback buddy”! Tell them what habit you are trying to break and ask them to lovingly point it out to you when you start doing it. Shift from focusing on what’s wrong to what’s right first thing in the morning and owning your headspace.
With these small changes we can begin to create a culture where we are bringing the best version of ourselves into the world every day.
Happiness is contagious! If you want to learn more ideas on things you can do to improve your emotional wellbeing checkout Linda’s website (www.lindalarsen.com)!