Episode 2: Changing Resident’s Lives Through Tailored Living Experiences – Elizabeth Culver

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Elizabeth is the Director of Marketing for Waypoint Management. She is managing over 30 properties, as well as marketing campaigns, social media, reputation management, etc. Her experience in this industry provides expert advice on creating a lifestyle for residents looking to make their apartment more than just a living space, but a home. She also offers great tips for keeping current and potential residents engaged during this time of social distancing, while also finding new ways to keep people connected.
Listen in to learn more about:
  • Amenity ideas that are going to make residents lives more simple, keeping them happy and wanting to stay at their current place
  • Philanthropic event ideas to connect residents to each other as well as their communities
  • How virtual tours, self guided tours, and virtual events can help keep people connected during this uncertain time
  • Teaching your teams to transition to this new way of life and ensuring customer services stays the top priority
  • Using digital marketing to target your message and keep viewers informed
  • Shifting business and how to be prepared in the chance another life-altering event happens again
  • Advice for people who are new to this industry but want to learn as much as they can about this ever-changing world of digital marketing
A quote from the podcast:
“How many times have we heard this is the new normal? I hope this part of what we’ve learned becomes our new normal. I hope we don’t go back to the way things were. Collaboration and communication are lifelines. The only make us better everyday.”
Contact Elizabeth: